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Be Wrong Fast

Over the weekend, on an otherwise pleasant Saturday, I had a big blowout with my kid. Over the most mundane of things. The laundry tub lint trap. It wasn’t so much about that specific thing but a concept he has yet to grasp. I get it. I learned the hard way myself. “Be wrong fast.” It’s applicable in professional settings, but equally so in interpersonal relationships. Quickly acknowledge when you’re in the wrong. Ask questions, if appropriate. Learn from the situation. Make a mental note to do better in the future. Then move on. Instead, my son deploys operation “excuses and deflection,” which I find infuriating. And I don’t always bring my best self when reacting when he has his shields up. We were both wrong that day.

My son, posing in the hallway with our new retro wallpaper with jaguars and tropical birds
My other son, Fred the cat, posing in the hallway with our new retro wallpaper with jaguars and tropical birds

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