The news continues to be bleak. The world is in crisis. But I’m trying to focus only on what is in my control. That has been my mantra for a while now. To keep my chin up while also keeping my head down? With that in mind, yesterday was remarkably productive, at work and in my personal life. I’d been putting off a call to my carrier. I had a bit of a hassle with an iPhone trade-in promotion. But after finally calling to sort it out we now have an unlimited data plan and will be paying $52/month less (for two lines). Works for me. I also scheduled my first International Association of Accessibility Professionals exam for next month. I’m starting with the CPACC. After that, I’ll study even more and take the WAS exam a month or two later. Thankfully, there is an option to take these exams from home. It involves giving a third party control of my personal laptop, which isn’t ideal, but I’ll make it work for a two-hour test.
Five things relevant to members of our household:
- Netflix is developing a Scott Pilgrim anime show: The streamer is working with creator Bryan Lee O’Malley on a revival of the classic series
- Batman: Caped Crusader Adds Comics Author Ed Brubaker to Creative Team: The acclaimed writer has joined Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves on the animated series.
- Who Is Black Krrsantan? The Book of Boba Fett’s Wookiee Bounty Hunter
- Check out this delightfully trippy (and G-rated) video on twitter. Mind blown.
- Tomorrow we get the series finale of Station Eleven. I’m not ready for it to be over yet.
This afternoon’s breaking news? Minneapolis, St. Paul To Require Restaurant-Goers To Show Proof Of Vaccination Or Negative Test. This doesn’t go into effect until January 19th. Our household will still only be getting takeout and not eating inside restaurants during this surge. I’ve noticed some splintering in my friend group recently. Between those who remain vigilant, like us, and concerned about the ableism of the “everyone is going to get omicron” crowd. But that YOLO/Vax&Chill contingency just wants to get on with their lives, even if it means getting sick (and getting others sick). I hate it here.
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